Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Next Chapter

After 2 years, I finished my last week as a Student Assistant for Residence Life! Although I may be sad to leave as an assistant, I am proud to say that I would not be beginning my position as a Resident Advisor without that valuable experience. Not only did I learn administrative skills, I learned about the inspiring Residence Life Team that works so hard to create community!

I can genuinely say that all the staff members are truly passionate because they understand the difference they make to the residents on campus. The Residence Life Team took me under their wing and watched me grow as an administrative assistant and student leader! Before letting me spread my wings they introduced me to the new Student Assistant, MaLissa.

After meeting MaLissa I immediately could tell they hired a very motivated addition to the team! She came in already possessing many skills and remaining open to learning more. I am so grateful for the opportunity to pass on my knowledge and advice to such an eager individual. I am even more excited about the new friend that I made!

These are just a few examples as to why Student Affairs makes me smile so much.  Do you know of many jobs that give you the opportunity to give back to the community which helped you grow so much? How many coworkers do you admire or consider some of your closest friends? Exactly.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww Amy, I don't even know what to say! I'm so glad we were introduced to one another before you became an Resident Advisor, because you are such an awesome person! I can honestly say that I have come to feel very comfortable in my new role, and it's all thanks to you. I know you left with such high regards and I only hope to one day fill your shoes. I can't wait to see you in action as a Resident Advisor. I think it's the perfect role for you, and I know the students living on your floor are just going to love you.
