Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Cross Cultural Retreat

When I signed up for Cross Cultural Retreat I expected to learn more about other cultures but I had no idea that I would learn so much about myself.  I just got back from this weekend-long retreat yesterday and I have had some time to process and reflect upon my experience.  On Friday when we arrived we discussed what the theme "I am...:Claiming Identity and Moving Beyond Tolerance" meant to each of us.  Normally I am a very talkative individual who has no problem raising her hand in class when there is silence.  I decided that during this retreat I was going to be completely present and work on listening, only to share when I felt like it was important and beneficial to myself or the group.  As a result I was able to better understand my whole identity as well as connect with others who were brave enough to share their experiences.  At the end of this retreat I took away some important lessons:

1) Accept and carry my whole identity with pride
2) Color Blindness (or any kind of identity blindness) is not seeing the whole person 
3) Recognize my white privilege (and other privileges) and use it to advocate for others as an ally

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Amy! I always enjoy reading your blog/life reflections. Let's be webfriends AND know each other in real life: http://simplegolden.wordpress.com/
    xo, Boss Chelsea
