Sunday, November 6, 2011

Seeking Independence

The dynamic of teamwork and friendship seems to be consistent throughout Residential Life because it's important to have a good relationship with those in your community, including your co-workers.  There is a balance between professionalism and personal connection with my coworkers, but sometimes I have to remind myself about the second part.  I can't forget that life does not have to be so serious all the time!  Sometimes I still have to remind myself that I'm not Super Woman, even though I would like to be invincible.

This epiphany came about after having some much needed one-on-one time with my Assistant Hall Coordinator and friend, Bernadette.  We talked about the struggles we have both faced as young women who have grown during our college experiences while still being viewed as only daughters through our parents eyes.  We both recognize the love and care that comes from our parents concerns but we also both identify with the frustrations that come along with being only daughters.  I am so grateful for living on campus at Cal Poly Pomona because it has given me the opportunity to become extremely involved and gain some independence.   As an undergraduate I have mostly put myself through college with loans and working at University Housing Services, in addition to some supplementary help with books from my parents.  At the same time, I am grateful for my parents who are still a 45 minute drive away and willing to help me when I turn to them.  

However, as a 21 year old graduating senior applying to graduate schools I have come to the realization that I need to take the next step as frightening as it may seem.  This is a really complicated situation to explain to anyone who is not in my shoes, but I am both scared and determined to grow more independent.  I am seriously looking at a range of graduate programs for Student Affairs and Higher Education.  Some are commuting distance, some are farther away in California, and some are out-of-state.  In order for me to build more independence and to diversify my experience in graduate school, I need to go just a little bit farther away from home.  I realize that I need to leave my comfort zone and actively seek the adventures I have always dreamed to take.  

Once again, I remember another reason I want to work with students, specifically residents, on a college campus. I want to provide them with a similar growth experience that I was able to attain while living on-campus and going to college.  I would not be the woman I am to today and aspire to become, if it were not for all of the mentors and experiences in college.   

1 comment:

  1. I love it and totally agree. Go spread your wings and grow even more than you already have.
